Reach Higher


A new career may be on the horizon.

Oklahoma Reach Higher MLT student from Northeastern Oklahoma A&M (NEOAM).


A new career may be on the horizon.

Reach Higher Direct Complete Logo




Finish your degree, your way.

Focusing on adult students, Reach Higher: DirectComplete is designed to help adults who have earned some college credit complete a degree linked to a critical occupation as designated by Oklahoma Works’ Oklahoma’s 100 Critical Occupations list.

Partnerships with businesses, tribes, workforce development agencies, nonprofit organizations and foundations, federal and state agencies and other groups will provide scholarships, grants and other support to adult students who pursue degree programs within the program.

Oklahoma Reach Higher students from Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC).

Reach Higher

Associate Degree

Get an associate degree in one of the 100 Critical Occupations.

Admission requirements:

  • Minimum 2.0 GPA
  • Within 15 hours of completing an associate degree
  • Completed all remedial coursework

Degree coursework must be on the list of degrees desired by a state partner.

Oklahoma Reach Higher biology students from Langston University.

Reach Higher

Bachelor's Degree

Get a bachelor's degree in one of the 100 Critical Occupations.

Admission requirements:

  • Minimum 2.0 GPA
  • Within 60 hours of completing a baccalaureate degree
  • Completed all remedial coursework

Degree coursework must be on the list of degrees desired by a state partner.

Need More Information?

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your degree?

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Graduate Testimonials

Alexis Wallace, Reach Higher graduate, shares her experience with completing courses through the Reach Higher program.

Reach Higher

Quick Facts

Reach Higher was created because more than 69,000 Oklahomans have attended college for at least two years but don’t have a bachelor’s degree.