Information for Potential Partners
If your business, company, or organization has a workforce need for a specific degree offering or desire to update your employee development plan by adding Reach Higher: DirectComplete as a recruiting and retention tool, contact us to find out how we can help.
Business partners and partnering agencies can help ensure the future of Oklahoma’s workforce by providing scholarships or other financial assistance to adults willing to finish an associate or bachelor’s degree in an Oklahoma’s 100 Critical Occupations list or in a degree that meets your workforce needs.
Partners may also request high-demand credentials of value to be added to the list of Reach Higher: DirectComplete program offerings.
Contact us at RHDirectComplete@osrhe.edu or call the Reach Higher program manager at 405.225.9258 to find out how to become a partner.
Become A Partner
Our partners represent diverse communities and show how Oklahomans work together to create a rich and productive economy in our state.