Reach Higher

Share Your Story

Spread the Word, Make Oklahoma Stronger by Degrees!

Share Your Reach Higher Story

One of the State Regents’ most important goals is to increase degree completion in our state, which improves Oklahomans’ futures. One of the many programs designed to accomplish this goal is Reach Higher, Oklahoma’s degree completion program that targets adult students who started, but have not finished a college degree. We’re asking for your help to spread the word!

The Reach Higher program is calling out to all students, graduates, and alumni from colleges and universities in Oklahoma to share their story of perseverance and overcoming barriers to complete a degree.

We’re seeking 1-minute videos from students who are either in the process of earning a degree or have earned a degree, and we want to hear from you!

As a college student, how did you overcome barriers?
What advice would you give to others facing those same barriers?
How did earning your degree affect your life, career, or family and change your future?

By sharing your story, you may inspire and encourage other students to Reach Higher and complete their college education, and make Oklahoma stronger by degrees! The first 500 submissions will receive a Reach Higher hand sanitizer and a device connector.

Please see below for submission guidelines.

Thank you for taking the time to share your story!

Video Submission Guidelines

Videos can be shot with a camera, camcorder, or phone. All video submissions must be under 60 seconds long. Please keep these rules and general guidelines in mind when recording.

You must have attended or are currently attending college in Oklahoma.
Submit a video of yourself to participate.
Include the tagline at the end of your video by saying: “I am a college student/graduate and I make Oklahoma stronger by degrees.”
Please don’t include any music, logos or brands, or anything offensive, indecent or in bad taste in the surroundings or on clothing in the video.
No messages of hate, no use of profanity.
Be aware of your surroundings! Choose a place with an uncluttered background that is brightly lit.

Questions about submitting videos? Please email

"*" indicates required fields

Your Information

Are you enrolled in Reach Higher DirectComplete or FlexFinish?*
Historically, did you take online courses?*

If you are uploading a picture, please answer the questions from above within the below textbox. These include:

  • As a college student, how did you overcome barriers?
  • What advice would you give to others facing those same barriers?
  • How did earning your degree affect your life, career, or family?
  • How did earning your degree change your future?
If you would like to receive Reach Higher items and materials, please include your address below.

Media Uploads

Please review the video guidelines section for specifications. All video submissions must be under 60 seconds long and less than 428MB in size.
Tip: iPhones and iPads - for larger video files, use the Chrome browser app.
(Video files can be uploaded as MP4, MPEG, AVI or MOV, FLV, MPEG4, MPEGPS, WebM and WMV)
Accepted file types: mp4, mpeg, avi, mov, flv, mpeg4, mpegps, webm, wmv), Max. file size: 428 MB.

Please upload any photos you'd like to include with your submission.
(Picture files can be uploaded as PNG, WEBP, JPG, JPEG or GIF)
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, webp, jpeg, Max. file size: 100 MB.


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