Admission Requirements
A checklist and planning forms are available to help students plan how to meet degree requirements.

Admission Requirements
Admissions requirements for the Reach Higher: FlexFinish associate degree program are as follows:
Have earned at least 18 hours of college credit.
Have a minimum 2.0 GPA from previous college credits.
Have completed any required remedial courses.
Steps for Admission
Step 1
Select a home institution.
Step 2
Complete an Application for Admission to the program.
Step 3
Submit official transcripts from all previously attended colleges to the home institution.
Step 4
Transcripts are reviewed for course equivalency credit.
Step 5
Letter of acceptance will be sent by the home institution once all documents mentioned above are received.
Step 6
Home institution will inform student by letter of the contact person for academic advisement and enrollment.
Step 7
Payment arrangements must be finalized before classes begin.