Reach Higher

Finish Line Scholarship

Scholarships for adult students are available now!

Apply for a Finish Line Scholarship Today!

Reach Higher Finish Line Scholarship

The scholarship amount is determined by the institution upon review of applications and available funding. Students may receive multiple scholarship awards as they make satisfactory academic progress towards degree completion.

Awards may be issued up to:

  • $5,000 within five (5) semesters per recipient for a first associate degree.
  • $7,000 within seven (7) semesters per recipient for a first baccalaureate degree, including any semesters and awards for a prior associate degree.

The minimum individual award per semester is $500, or the lesser semester balance payoff amount owed to your institution.

All RH Finish Line Scholarship award amounts are contingent on legislative appropriations, so may vary from year to year depending on available funding.

This scholarship may be used to cover tuition, fees, or learning materials and may impact other financial aid opportunities. Please check with the financial aid professionals at your institution for more information.

Instructions for Applicants

Fill in and submit the application sections below. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure the application is received by the Reach Higher Coordinator/Navigator for consideration.

Please note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it.
3Additional Information (optional)

Applicant’s Contact Information (Required)

*Only Reach Higher institutions are eligible institutions.
Have you received prior Reach Higher Scholarship award funds?(Required)
I attest to the following:(Required)
Date of Birth (DOB)(Required)
Permanent Mailing Address(Required)