Reconnect and Finish the Degree You Started: A Path to Personal and Professional Growth

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Are you one of the many adults who started a college degree but, for various reasons, had to stop out? Life happens. Whether it was due to work commitments, family responsibilities, or other unexpected events, you are not alone. The good news is that it’s never too late to go back and finish what you started. With the Reach Higher degree completion program, you can turn your previous efforts into a completed degree, opening doors to new opportunities and personal satisfaction.


The RECONNECT initiative, part of the Reach Higher program, is designed to make returning to college more accessible and manageable for adults. It aims to raise awareness of adult-friendly degree completion options and provide the support needed to help you succeed. Here’s why you should consider reconnecting with your educational journey:

  1. Flexible Learning Options:
    • Online and In-Person Classes: Whether you prefer the convenience of online learning or the interaction of in-person classes, Reach Higher has options to suit your lifestyle.
    • Maintain Your Work Routine: With flexible scheduling, you can continue working while earning your degree. No need to sacrifice your job or personal time.
  2. Two Pathways to Success:
    • FlexFinish: Ideal for those seeking an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree in Enterprise Development, or a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership. FlexFinish offers flexible enrollment and online courses tailored for working adults.
    • DirectComplete: This pathway is perfect for those looking to complete a degree that aligns with Oklahoma’s workforce development needs, specifically the state’s 100 Critical Occupations list. This ensures your education directly contributes to in-demand career opportunities.

What Can a Degree Do for You?

  • Career Advancement: A degree can open doors to higher-paying jobs and leadership positions. Employers often look for candidates with formal education to fill advanced roles.
  • Personal Fulfillment: Completing your degree is a significant personal achievement. It’s a testament to your dedication and hard work, and can provide a great sense of accomplishment.
  • Economic Stability: Higher education often leads to better job stability and benefits. It’s an investment in your future that can pay off in many ways.

Getting Started

Ready to take the next step? Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Visit the Reach Higher Website: Explore the details of the FlexFinish and DirectComplete programs. Find out which pathway aligns best with your career goals and personal circumstances.
  2. Connect with an Advisor: Complete the yellow student interest form so you can gain access to an academic advisors who specialize in adult education at the institution you selected. They can help you understand your options, transfer existing credits, and develop a plan that fits your life.
  3. Attend Information Events: Check out events hosted by participating institutions to learn more about the programs, meet faculty, and ask questions. These events can provide valuable insights and help you feel more confident about your decision.


Going back to school as an adult might seem daunting, but with the Reach Higher adult degree completion program, it’s more achievable than ever especially now that Reach Higher offers a dedicated scholarship for adults. By offering flexible learning options and pathways tailored to working adults, Reach Higher ensures that you can successfully complete your degree without compromising your current lifestyle. So why wait? Reconnect with your educational goals today and take the first step towards a brighter future. Visit the Reach Higher website for more information and start your journey now!